Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told from beginning until end in SD1-009, but something was forgotten so we recorded again (Sinyo Welen 2), from where Wera forgot something. Wera Ngangene (Wilhelmus Wera, b. c. 1943), is a senior adat singer and the son of a great adat singer, is also known as a skilled story teller. Recorded with the AT2020 mic 2 Dec -14 by SD and HR before noon in Wilhelmus Wera's house sitting on the balai-balai ('woga'), the three of us, and with Ware and two neighbours. It was a relaxed session. We also had lunch there, prepared by Wera's wife (Ngole?), and a shot of arak. Portrait in SD1-009.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in k...