Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere, tells the funny fable/tale Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). One day Methi remembered Lengu Nande, a great grandmother next door, about 99 years of age (born c. 1916), who had once been able to tell tales and was known to be skilled in 'togo' (tandak), ritual dance with pantun, together with her husband. Methi brought her over, and asked her, which was difficult because Lengu is almost deaf. It turned out that she remembered stories very well, surprisingly fluent, and she seemed to enjoy telling tales. So we decided to try recording the next day. Lengu had learned tales, as one of her sources in her youth/adult life, from X Ngajine...