Genre: Oral history. Title: Toli Edo Woto (Edo Woto war). Lakimosa Bangu, of kampong and domain Woto, tells about the Woto-Edo war in the early 20th century (c. 1906 ?, he also tells of another skirmish, these are border wars for land, during the Japanese occupation). In this war one of the sides invited Dutch troops to come to their aid. According to Bangu it was Edo, according to Woko Kulane (Keli domain, See SD1-007) who also told about this war (see also Franky SD1-017, it was Woto because they had lost a battle when Keli intervened on the side of Edo. In both accounts the Dutch intervention ended up with disaster for both sides, as the Dutch troops mistake friend for foe and massacre people (both ata Woto and ata Edo, more ata Woto tho...