Genre: Oral history. Title: Ware Pa'e 3. At the second recording session with Lengu Nande we asked her about the legendary Ware Pa'e. Had she seen his face? Apparently he was known as Ware "the old" in her youth. Nengu told a little about him. In this recording we tried to find out Lengu's age when Ware Pa'e passed away. Around the age of puberty we find out. She also compared to a young female relative present, Wi'o, who was 13 years old. Recorded in the morning 2 Feb 2015 with H4N Zoom. The fairy tales/fables/myths were recorded with AT2020 external microphone. With Maria Methi asking questionsPalu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain