DIPIOMAS granted Cont. Arts Government Zavan Arslanian Girgis Grais Garbis Artinian Aly Husny Khalil Budayry Ibrahim Galal Nagaty Paul Gurujlian Wahba Salih Karim Khalil Hagg Ramzy Ibrahim Sulayman Duad Salih al Husayny Isaac Misa al Husayny Nafiz al Husayny Gilbert Thomas Ibrahim Husayn Kamil Arshavir Kavaldjian Mohammed Ahmad al Milihy Taufiq Salih Musa Ismafil Sirry Kegham Varteressian Riad Wasif Rfifi. RESIGNATION OF HABIB EFFENDI Dr. McOlenahan reported that Habib Effendi Iskander, in spite of a new contract made with him to serve in the College for the current academic year, had withdrawn as per his letter of July 27th. Dr. McOlenahan was authorized to negotiate for a substitute; the Finance Committee being given authority to pass upo...