655. 656 • 657. 658. 659. 660. MTNIJTEJ OF THE COJNCIL OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO MAY 1ST. 1926 - ORGANIZATION - The Council of the American University at Cairo met on May 1st with Dr. Watson presiding. The following were present: Dr. Watson, Mr. Cleland, Mr.McQuiston. Dr. Watson opened the meeting with prayer. - RELEASE OF 'MR. BOYD At the request of the College Faculty it was decided to release Mr. Boyd as from June 4th. - ARCHITECT FOR AUDITORIUM Mr. Cleland reported that an architect is on the v/ay to Egypt to oversee the building of the auditorium. Ho particulars are available. - MANDARA It was voted to allow Dr. 'Watson, Dr.McClenahan, Mr. Vandersall and Mr. Cleland erect huts on the new property at Mandara with the understan...