3i1MMART GI,' 1'44 Di t.CII3SICM OF Mit aI NQ O.F NgW Xf,Jki4. ~T_C_f..U..B T~~~1 ~x~kti..~~ AT t~•iri1f.~~~1fCT -£'-A-~- ~-3-~-.T-~-►.-i. ~~ auuary • The following Sew York Trustees of the hterioan University at Cairo met for lunohoon at th• Gramercy Park Hotel, New York City, on Thursday January 7, 1943, Drs. äc ao;;r1ok•n, Ad4ison, Horton, Sizoo, and bit. Lawn. Mr. i.um laid before the group the situation in Cairo with regard to the Mcrioan personnel of the University. The loads being varried are sa hoavy that the absens• of any one .A...erte n from his post puts undue strain on all the rest. :; 3at•thifl must be donv about getting Avecn an persennel to S .ypt . The U.S.. War Dnpartsw►nt has definitely refused air transportation to get r...