-2- 1 added to represent the University if a German occupation- occurred. The evacuation of families took p1r►c : by train on Tuesday evening, June 30. Dr. Cleland and Messrs. Pntouillet and Janssen wore to reamin in Cairo a few days longer to complete certain arrangements more fully in view of the expected prionged absence of Americans, but with the distinct under-standing whicn I give tc Dr. Cleland in writing that they were to run no undue risks in getting away by way of American ships at Suez. This route h^.d been ruled out of our plans for families, both because of shortage of trensportnti(,n to Suez n.nd the reported lack of conveniences on boo rd ship. Tho day following, hew. ver, Wec'.nesda.y, July 1, the military situation be-came ...