I I I 9l. ORGANIZATION 92. ROLL CALL Agenda I. (App.A) Agenda II 93 . 1'HE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO Minutes - Meeting ot Ex~out1~9 Comm1t~ee Nov York City July 15, 1960 Meeting ot the Execut1v~ Committee vas held on Ju~y ~, 1960, at the Gramercy Park Hotel. Now York City. Th~ meeting was called to ardor by the Chllirman at 9 J.J.O D" " All lhembers of the ComMittee, with the exceptton ot Dr Eddy ~ho 1s 1n the Middle East, wero present: Dr. Horton, Chairman, Mrs. Lloyd, Masers. Crary, Dirka G8.rrett~ Harbison~ Van Vleck; also Dr. HcLain, Mr. Potter, Nr Holtz and Mise Lister. The Chairman opened the maating with prayer. GENERAL SITUATIOt' Dr MoLaln reviewed recent developl!llents in t.he U A.R. and the Middle East and relationships b9t~ee...