MINUTES OF MEETING OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The American University at Cairo New York Ci z Maroh 25, 1947. 16. ORGANIZATION A meeting of the Exeoutive Committee of the American University at Cairo was held in the office of Dr. Douglas Horton, 287 Fourth Ave., New York City, on March 25, 1947. Present: Douglas Horton, Chairman, Samuel Thorne; also Joseph R. Sizoo, Chairman of the Committee on Education, John S. Badeau, President, Charles R. Watson, Aoting Secretary, and Ward N. Madison, Associate Seoretary. The meeting convened at 11:00 a.m. The other members of the Exeoutive Committee,ax Messrs. Addison, MaoCraoken, Steele, were unable to attend. 17. ORGANIZATION OF In view of action taken by the Finance Committee on February 21, PHILADELPHIA...