1 THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO Board of Trustees Executive Committee Meeting August 3, 1966. At the request of the President, Dr. Bartlett, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met on the 3rd of August at 12.30 p.m. in the University office in New York, 866 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. Present: Messrs. Bartlett, Barco, Dohm, Newsom and Thoron, as Secretary. While a quorum was not actually present, Messrs. Payne and Thorne were consulted separately by Dr. Bartlett and Mr. Crary was consulted by the Executive Secretary. Dr. Bartlett had asked for the meeting in order to obtain the views of the Executive Committee towards the possible pur-chase of a villa near the University and an apartment house in Maadi. Dr. Bartlett...