I I I THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO Board of Trustees Executive Committee Meeting 2 June 1966 The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met on the 2nd of June 1966 at 12:30 P.M. In the University office in New York. 866 United Nations Plaza. New York, N. Y. Present: Kessrs. Cole - Chairman, Dirks, Barco, Newsom. Payne. Thorne and Thoron. Mr. Cole acted as Chainman of the meeting and Mr. Thoron as Secretary. The meeting. as had been earlier suggested. was devoted almost entirely to the discussion of University finances. The discussion was b \",,(;/" d ~ and, while no fonmal decisions in the fonm of resolutions were taken. the following agreements emerged from the meeting: (a) That a special fund raising campaign should be immediate...