1 el i,11N U 1 L, úiß THE TV EN TY-J IXTH ANNUAL MEETING of THE BuARD OF TRUSTEES of THE AMERIU_av UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO New Yuri, City November lU , 194í 489. ORGANIZATIUN The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the American University at Cairo was called to order by the Chairman, Dr. John H. MacCracken at 10 a.m. on Friday November 10, 1944, in the University Club, 54th Street and Fifth Avenue, New York City. Dr. George L. Robinson led in the opening prayer. 490. ROLL CALL The following Trustees were present: Messrs. J. T. Addison, R. J. Dodds, T. J. Gillespie, Jr., R. W. Harbison, D. Horton, G. F. Jewett, A. B. Lisle, F. M. Potter, G. L. Robinson, J. R. Sizoo, S. Thorne, and F. K. Weyerhaeuser; and, in addition, Dr. Cha...