y .. • I t I~ 84 ORGANIZATION 85 PERSONNEL THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO Minutes _ :t-feeting of Executive Committee New York City April 11, 1960 Meeting of the Executive Committee of The American University at Cairo was held on Monday , April II, 1960 , at the Gramercy Park Hotel , New York City . The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9 : 30 a . m. Upon roll call the tollowing were present : Dr . Horton , Chairman . Mrs . Lloyd . Meesrs . Crary. Dirks. Harbison, Van Vleck. and also Dr o McLain . The Chairman stated that a quorum was present . The Chairman stated that the first iteM on the agenda was the consideration of several appointments not decided upon at the March 12 , 1960 Board meeting. 1 . Folk Lore Project - Dr o McLain...