An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.MAG RAT H TRADING CO STORE NEWS Office 758-3033, Groceries 758-3535, Ladies Wear & Store News 758-6377 Hardware 758-3065 - Business Hours: 8 AM - 6 PM Monday thru Saturday Wednesday, January 8, 1992 BBHWOttlU. SHOmNO OHLY LIGHTBULBS Available In 40.60 w 100 watt BfiST BUY ALUMINUM FOIL WRAP 12* X 25'. 4411^31-24 3 INCH PARING KNIFE 413S-27S-2O# STORAGES SANDWICH BAGS Assorted sizes. 4434 SAVE 10.00 109" ELECTROHOME 2-SPEED HUMIDIFIER Moisturizes the air to relieve winter colds and it also saves money on fuel bills. 38 litre capacity 17 gal output per day 3838-743-1 A very special T...