An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.Store News 758-6377 Single Copy 30 cents Office 758-3033 Hardware 758-3065 Groceries 758-3535 ladies Ware/Drygoods 758-6377 Business Hours —8am-6pm Monday - Saturday PROGRESSIVE C0NSER7ATIVE LEADERSHIP STILL UNDECIDED. A second Ballot will be needed December 5th to decide who will be the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party; Nancy Betkowski, Ralph Klein, or Rick Oman. A total of 54 votes were cast here in Nagrath; 26 of those votes went to Ralph Klein; Betkowski 9, Main 11, Oram 5, Oldring 3. 8 votes were cast in DelBonita. A total of 304 votes were cast in the Cardston Con...