An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.MAGRATH Published Weekly since 1932 by The Magrath Trading Company 30 cents I I1- HOCKEY NEWS" NOVICE HAWKS: The Magrath ice rink was the place to be over the Rememberance Day weekend, as the Novice Hawks hosted a very sucessful six team tournament. Game 1: Leth vs. Cardston 2: Mag vs. Warner 3: 4: 5: 6: final: final: final: Mag vs. Leth ”C” "B” "A" Taber vs. Coaldale Warner vs. Cards Magrath ys. Coaid Taber vs. Leth Warn vs. Coaid Cards vs. Taber 3- 2 Leth 16-2 Mag 6- 6 tie 9-0 Cards 10-4 Mag 4-4 tie 9-2 Coaid 4- 1 Cards 7- 6 Mag Our first game was against Warner. This eame double...