An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.COLOR-FUN POSTERS Reg. 3.69 SALE: $2.95 Includes: Two 11 x 14 black/white posters, and 6 Non-toxic felt pens. Bath SHEETS Large, luxurious Bath Sheets in Brown & Rust shades. 30" x 61" 159S>- Cosmetic travel bags in various styles and colors. Priced from: 1.59 - 16.00 ******************************** * CREAM PETAL MINUTE FACIAL * $1.50 - $1.75 **************** * Glycerin & Rosewater SALE: 79i The CaAston Temple was the. scene o{ a beautc{ul double wedding, FAiday, July 4th 19 SO when PatAcaAch Nyat FletcheA untied in maAAiage Lout Jotayne LawtoA with. Dean C BtackbuAn and KaAen Lea...