芦の湖畔賽の河原から見た元箱根の集落と背後の駒ヶ岳。賽の河原が江戸時代に石塔・石仏が多数並んだ壮大な規模であったことは、東海道箱根山中図(五雲亭貞秀、文久3年(1863))等によって知られるが、これは廃仏毀釈後の荒れた様子を示しているので、明治元年(1868)以降の撮影である。This photo captures the old town of Motohakone, with Mt. Komagadake viewed from Sainogahara by Lake Ashinoko. It is known that Sainogahara had many stone towers and stone Buddhas druing the Edo Period according to Tokaido Hakone Sanchu-zu (Ukiyoe; Color woodblock print of Hakone's everyday life in Edo period by Gountei Sadahide, 1863). This photo was taken after 1868 when Haibutsukishaku (anti-Buddhist movement at the beginning of the Meiji era) took place and many stones were destroyed or broken