芦の湖畔の元箱根から眺めた富士山。右手の黒い森は箱根神社の神域である。神仏分離令以前は箱根権現とも呼ばれ、曽我物語を初め、数々の文学に登場する。左手の山は、箱根外輪山の三国山(みくにやま)の麓で、湖・山の背後に富士山を望む光景は箱根の典型的な眺望として有名である。This is Mt. Fuji as veiwed from Moto-Hakone by Lake Ashinoko. The dark forest on the right is Hakone Shrine precincts. This site was called Hakone Gongen before the Japanese government instituted a policy in 1868 separating Buddhism and Shinto. The name Hakone Gongen appears in many ancient tales such as the Tale of The Soga written in the Kamakura Period. The mountain on the left is the foot of Mt. Mikuni, one of the outer moutain range of Hakone. This scene of Mt. Fuji behind the lake and the mountains is famous