箱根宿の背後から芦ノ湖越に見た富士山の写真で、箱根の典型的な風景。家並みの中央の屋根がなだらかな二階屋ははふや(現箱根ホテル)、その左にピラミッド型に見えるのは、右から順に又原、川田、駒、石内の各本陣であろう。湖岸に突き出た岬は手前から畑引山、三国山で、富士山の手前は長尾峠である。This photo captures Mt. Fuji with Lake Ashinoko and the post town of Hakone in the foreground. The two-storied house with a gentle sloped roof in the centre is Hafuya (present-day Hakone Hotel), the pyramid shaped roofs on the left of it are, from the right, Matahara, Kawada, Koma, and Ishiuchi Honjins (officially appointed inns for feudal lords). The peninsulas on the left sticking out to the lake are, from the foreground, Hatabikiyama, Mikuniyama, and Nagao Pass just before Mt. Fuji can be seen