富士川右岸の富士川町岩淵(いわぶち)あたりの河岸段丘上から北東方の富士山を遠望したもの。段丘の下には水田が広がり、その先に岩淵の集落が見える。富士川右岸の松並木の先には富士川橋が見える。富士川は急流のため、何度も流失した。左手の山が岩本山で、対岸には松並木が続く。Northeastern view of Mt. Fuji from the terraced bank of Fuji River near Iwabuchi, Fujigawa-cho. Rice paddies stretch away from the foot of the hill, and the village of Iwabuchi is visible on the left. Fujigawa Bridge is visible beyond the pine trees on the right of Fuji River. Due to the rapid flow of the river, the bridge was washed away many times. The mountain on the left is Mt. Iwamoto, and pine trees line the other side of the river