鈴川は駿河湾に面し、潤井川河口左岸に位置する旧幕府領。富士、松並木、木橋、藁葺きの家、川船と船頭と、美しく、凝った構図になっている。なお、この角度、構図の富士の別の写真が、小沢健志監修『写真で見る幕末・明治』(69頁)に「街道からの富士 ファサリ商会」として紹介されている。The former shogunate territory located on the left bank of the River Usui, with the Suzu River facing Suruga Bay. The photo is beautifully structured with Mt.Fuji and a pine boulevard, wooden bridge, thatch-roofed house, boat in the river and boatsman. Another picture of Mt.Fuji with the same features and angle, is introduced on p.69 in the "Shashin De Miru Bakumatsu Meiji" (The End of the Tokugawa Era and Dawn of Meiji Era in Pictures) edited by Ozawa Kenji, as a photo entitled "Mt.Fuji and Fasari Company from the Street"