中禅寺湖の南東の湖畔にある歌ヶ浜から、北岸の男体山や、その麓の二荒山中宮祠と六軒茶屋の家並みを写したもの。夕景色の美しい歌ケ浜は埋め立てられ、現在は大駐車場となっている。画面奥の対岸に広がる建物の様子から、明治35(1902)年以前に撮影されたものである。Mt. Nantai on the north shore of Lake Chuzenji, Chugushi at Futarasan Shinto Shrine, and Rokken-jaya at the foot of the mountain are viewed from Utagahama Beach on the southeastern shore of the lake. Utagahama, known for its beautiful sunsets, has since been filled in and is now a huge parking lot. The state of the buildings on the other side indicate that this photograph was taken before 1902