箱根旧街道を畑宿方面から上り、権現坂を下り、現在の国道一号線と交差する位置に存在する屏風鳥居。ここは、芦ノ湖や元箱根集落が望める景勝地で、交通の要衝でもあり、茶店もあったらしく、この地点で撮影された写真は多い。当時は写真機材が重いため、休憩場所での撮影が多かったことも理由であろう。This is a byobu torii gate located at a crossing at present-day National route 1 after going down Gongen Slope after going up the Old Hakone Highway from the post town of Hata. This is a scenic point where Lake Ashinoko and the village of Moto-Hakone can be seen as well as the traffic hub. There seemed to have been teahouses and there are many photos taken at this location. One of the reasons for that is because the photography equipment was quite heavy those days and many photos were taken at the resting spots