箱根神社の二の鳥居と駕籠屋の写真で、明治13年(1880)の小林清親の絵では高札は鳥居の右側にあるが、左側に移動している。また、元寇の際に国土平穏を祈願し、神恩に感謝して造られた鎌倉期の鉄湯釜二つ(国指定重要文化財)も神社本殿に移動して消えている。背後は芦ノ湖。This is a photo with the Second Torii Gate of Hakone Shrine and the palanquin men. Although the sign board is on the right side of the gate in the picture painted by Kiyochika Kobayashi in 1880, it is moved to the left of the gate. Two iron pots made during the Kamakura Period to thank gods (Designated Important Cultural Asset) were moved to the main hall of the shrine and not visible on this photo. Lake Ashinoko can be seen behind