楼門(ろうもん)の向うにあるのは六角堂(ろっかくどう)。楼門の前には銅造灯籠と石灯籠が数基あるが、六角堂や銅造灯籠などは明治初年の排仏毀釈(はいぶつきしゃく)で除却された。なお、横浜開港資料館にベアト撮影の同じ写真がある。彼は元治元年(1864)鎌倉に来ており、本資料はその頃の撮影か。Rokkaku-do (Hexagonal Building) is visible beyond the Romon (Cherry Gate). The bronze and stone lanterns visible in front of the gate were removed along with Rokkaku-do at the beginning of the Meiji Period. The same photograph, credited to F. Beato, is preserved at the Yokohama Archives of History. Beato visited Kamakura in 1864. This photograph is thought to have been taken around that time