鞍掛山あたりから、北方の箱根宿・堂ヶ島方面を眺望したもの。堂ヶ島の山頂に箱根離宮が見えるので、明治19年(1886)以降の撮影と分かる。箱根宿は本陣等の建物がそのまま残り、江戸末期とほとんど変わらない町並みが窺える。芦ノ湖の背後の山は右が駒ヶ岳、その奥が箱根の最高峰神山(かみやま)である。This photo depicts the Dogashima area of Hakone post town in the north of Mt. Kurakake. Since Hakone Imperial Villa is visible on top of the mountain of Dogashima, this photo was taken after 1886. Buildings, such as honjins, still remain. The post town keeps the same atmosphere as at the end of the Edo Peiod. The mountain on the right is Komagadake, and Mt. Kamiyama, the highest mountain in Hakone, is behind it