娘玉乗りで有名だった江川大盛館。玉乗り娘が並んでいる。浅草六区興行街は、浅草寺の日除地だった田圃が大池を開削した土で明治16年(1883)に埋め立てられ、明治半ばを過ぎると日本一の歓楽街になった。奥は浅草十二階と称された凌雲閣で、右端の白い看板には凌雲閣の説明が書かれている。明治37年(1904)発行のステレオ写真。Egawa Taiseikan, famous for its girls doing acrobatics on balance balls. Some of the girls are looking out onto the street. Formerly rice paddies owned by Sensoji Temple, the Asakusa Sixth District was filled in with soil from the digging of Oike in 1883 and became the largest entertainment district in Japan after the mid-Meiji Period. The tower in the background is Ryounkaku, also called Asakusa Junikai (Twelve Stories). An introduction to the tower is written on the white signboard to the right. This stereograph dates from 1904