京都市東山区の西部、東山山麓は、もと安養寺六坊、祇園感神院等の寺社領であった。明治6年(1873)、吉水園という人口温泉が開かれ、金閣寺に似た建物が建てられた。明治12年(1879)、長崎人井万吉が安養寺塔頭その他の施設を買収し、洋風に改造して、京都初の洋風ホテルを開業した。上方右手の建物の破風に「YAAMI」の看板がある。The foot of Higashiyama Range used to be owned by Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines such as the Rokubo of Anyoji, Kanjinin of Gion. The artificial spa called Kissuien was opened in 1873, and a building resembling Kinkakuji was built. Imakichi of Nagasaki bought the tower of Anyoji and other buildings in 1879, and reopened it as the first Western-style hotel in Kyoto. On the gable of the building in the top right of the photo is a board with the letters "YAAMI"