宮島の紅葉谷公園の入口にある旅館・岩惣は安政元年(1854)の創業で,皇族をはじめ,伊藤博文,夏目漱石,森鴎外,ヘレン・ケラーなども泊まったことのある老舗旅館である。写真の庭は明治25年(1892)の母屋建築に伴って近代的な噴水が整備され,現在も石組みや噴水が残されている。Iwaso Inn, located at the entrance of Momijidani Park at Miyajima, opened in 1854. Among the many celebrities who stayed here were Imperial family members, Ito Hirobumi, Natsume Soseki, Mori Ogai, and Helen Keller. A modern fountain was installed when the main inn building was constructed in 1892. The stone arrangement and fountain still exist today