京都市東山区の西部、東山山麓にあった安養寺塔頭や、明治6年(1873)に開かれた人口温泉、吉水園をもとに改造した日本初の洋風ホテルである。中央に「YAAMI」の看板をもつ旧館、左手に明治27年(1894)に増築されたベランダ付4階建がある。周囲は石積の白塀で囲まれ、門の両側に国旗が掲揚されている。This is the first Western-style hotel to open in Kyoto, located in the west of the Higashiyama district. It had the tower of Anyoji which was located at the foot of Higashiyama, and the artificial spa Yoshimizuen which opened in 1873. The old building with the panel board "YAAMI" is in the center and the left is a four-story building with a verandah added in 1894. The building is surrounded by stone walls, and flags fly on both sides of the gate