2276と同様に仲見世入口(現雷門のある位置)から北に向いて写している。雷門から仁王門の間に並ぶ商店街を仲見世という。発端は近くの住民に浅草寺の清掃を頼んだ見返りに出店を許可したもの。明治18年(1885)12月に銀座煉瓦街の影響を受けて煉瓦造りとなった。明治29年(1896)撮影と思われる。Like photograph #2276, this is a northern view from the entrance of Nakamise, the present location of Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate). The shopping area between Kaminarimon and Niomon is called Nakamise. Legend has it that the priests of Sensoji Temple asked the local people to keep the temple grounds clean and in return gave them permission to set up shops there. Buildings of brick construction were erected in 1885 in imitation of the Ginza Street. Probably taken around 1896