八坂神社境内を東部から西に望む。右端に同社の本殿、左端に拝殿が建つ。本殿は承応3年(1654)に徳川家綱が紫宸殿を模して再建したもので、正面7間、側面6間、単層、入母屋造、檜皮葺である。中央の間に素戔鳴尊、東の間に奇稲田姫命、西の間に八王子神を祀る。F・ベアド撮影。Yasaka Shrine is seen from the east, facing west. The main hall is on the right and the worship hall on the left. The main hall, rebuilt by the fourth shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna in 1654, is modeled after the Shishinden. Built in single-story "irimoya" style with a cedar-bark roof, the front is about 12m and the sides about 11m wide. The deity Susano-no-mikoto is worshipped in the central chamber, Kushiinadahime-no-mikoto in the eastern chamber, and Hachiojishin in the western chamber. Taken by F. Beato