西本願寺境内を御影(ごえい)堂南東側から北東に望む。右端に御影堂門、左端に水吹き銀杏が見える。中央に建つ青銅製の灯籠に男性がもたれかかるなど、境内各所に人の姿がうかがえる。写真の御影堂門は正保2年(1645)の再建で、入母屋造、本瓦葺である。御影堂門の奥には堀川に架かる橋の高欄が姿をのぞかせる。The grounds of Nishi Honganji Temple, looking from the southeastern side of the Goei-do facing northeast. The gate of the Goei-do and a mizubuki gingko tree are depicted on the right and left. A man is leaning against the bronze lantern in the centre. Other people are also present on the temple grounds. The Goei-do is in irimoya style with roof tiles and was built in 1645. The rails of a bridge over Horikawa River are visible beyond the Goei-do gate