西本願寺境内を御影(ごえい)堂南東側から北北西に望む。左から御影堂(大師堂)、阿弥陀堂(本堂)、水吹き銀杏が見える。御影堂は寛永13年(1636)の創建、阿弥陀堂は宝暦10年(1760)の創建で、両者は歩廊で結ばれている。子供を中心に大勢の人々が青銅製の灯籠の周囲に集まっている。The grounds of Nishi Honganji Temple, looking from the southeastern side of Goei-do facing north-northwest. The buildings are (from the left) the Goei-do (Taishi-do) and Amida-do (Main Hall). A mizubuki gingko tree is visible. The Goei-do was built in 1636 and the Amida-do in 1760. These two buildings are connected by an arcade. Many people, including children, are gathered around the bronze lanterns