慈照寺本堂(左)と東求堂(右)を銀閣南側の錦鏡池縁より東北東に望む。錦鏡池の対岸中央には円錐形の向月台(こうげつだい)、右方に銀沙灘(ぎんしゃだん)の砂盛が見える。左方の橋は分界橋、右方の橋は迎仙橋である。本堂・東求堂よも足利義政の命により文明18年(1486)に創建され、元和元年(1615)、寛永16年(1640)に修復された。View of the main hall of Jionji Temple (left) and Togu-do (right) from the edge of Kinkyo Pond, from south of the Silver Pavilion facing east north-east. The truncated-cone shaped Kogetsudai, a sand form, in the middle and Ginshadan, on the right, are visible on the far side of Kinkyo Pond. Bunkai Bridge and Geisen Bridge are on the right and left, respectively. Both the main hall and Togu-do were constructed by order of Ashikaga Yoshimasa in 1486, and they were restored in 1615 and 1640