明治中期の真光寺大仏。目録番号2821 (布引山入口) ・4893 (同左) ・2814 (布引雌滝) と同様に、横浜の写真師日下部金兵衛(くさかべきんべえ)が制作、販売した写真。奥行きのある構図や、日本的な寺院建築と大仏の前に僧侶たちを配した風景は、外国人の異国趣味を熟知した金兵衛ならではの秀作。The Great Buddha at Shinkoji Temple in the mid-Meiji Period. Like #2821 (Entrance to Mt. Nunobiki), #4893 (Entrance to Mt. Nunobiki) and #2814 (Nunobiki Medaki), this photograph was taken and sold by the Yokohama photographer Kusakabe Kinbei. One of Kusakabe's masterpieces, it caters to the foreigners' taste for the exotic in its deep perspective and balanced composition with Japanese buildings and Buddhist priests posing in front of the Great Buddha