中央の五重塔は二代将軍秀忠が祈願で病が平癒したお礼にと寄進し、慶長13年(1608)に棟上式をあげた。慶長19年(1614)に地震で傾いていたので、五代将軍綱吉の命で、元禄14年(1701)に現在の場所に移築され改修された。初層は和洋であるが、二層より上は唐様(からよう)の造りという珍しい塔。平成13年(2001)に全面修復が完工した。The five-story pagoda was built by the second shogun Tokugawa Hidetada in 1608 to show appreciation for his recovery from illness. The pagoda leaned to one side after the earthquake of 1614, and the fifth shogun Tsunayoshi ordered it to be repaired and transferred to its current location in 1701. The first story was designed in Japanese style, but the second story and above were executed in an unusual Chinese style. The building was completely restored in 2001