京都市左京区銀閣寺。足利義政が隠棲した東山殿を、没後寺とし、義政の法号から慈照寺と名付けられた。観音殿(銀閣)は、長享3年(1489)の上棟になり、義政は完成を見ることなく、翌年没した。宝形造、柿葺、1階は書院造の要素の多い住宅風、2階は唐様で花頭窓を多く配する。錦鏡池に望む東側の広縁に人が腰掛けている。その横に池に背を向ける形で、庭帚きをしている人がいる。Ginkakuji Temple in the Sakyo district of Kyoto. The Higashiyama palace where Ashikaga Yoshimasa led a life of seclusion was made a temple after his death, and was named "Jishoji" after his Buddhist name. The construction of the "Golden Pavilion" was started in 1489, so Yoshimasa did not live to see it completed, dying a year after. The first floor is designed in the form of a house shoinzukuri style, with a "hogyozukuri" (a form of roof), and the second floor in Chinese style with many "kato" windows. A person sits on the east veranda facing Kinkyo Pond, and next...