i THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO LIBRARY COMMITTEE Draft Minutes ikiim-o t UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES A. U> C. LIBRARY The Library Committee met at I0:45a.m., Thursday, November 19, in Room 302B of the Library. Present were Mr. Everett L. Moore (Director of the Library), Dr. Salah El Araby, Dr. James Heasley, Dr. Fenn C. Horton, Dr. Bassan el Shamy, and Mr. Robert Pippin. Absent were Dr. John Bennett, Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, and Dr. Helmy Ragheb Tadros. As former chairman of the Library Committee, 1969-70, Mr. Pippin was acting chairman of the present meeting. The agenda was approved, the Director of the Library introduced to the members of the committee, and the minutes of the final meeting of the committee of 1969-70 were read. The acting ch...