THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO y jta L U N/V£rSi] y A-U. AF?CHlVf C. i LIBRARY COHiaTTEE Roost 400, Library 11:00a.23* Thursday March 22, 1973 Proposed Agenda 1. Submission of draft agenda for approval. 2. Heading of minutes of last meeting, for approval* 3. Serial-shelving for current issues. 4. Problems of serial-ordering, and backlog of all unfilled orders. 5. Stack-control report on recent Caravan 'Letter to the Editor''. 4. Library-use instruction program. 7. Continuing discussion of new library building. 8. Continuing request for members to report free hours to chairman. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 2—32—n I •"^.l I ~/i I V g-. n 113, SHARIA KASR EL AINI, CAIRO, EGYPT • e.r*.TT 1_&_I [ _j-iWq £ jLA. ||