MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIR0-S3PT 20,1924 $06. ORGANIZATION The Council of the American University/- at Cairo met on September 20,1924, with. Dr.V/atson presiding. The following members were present:- Professors CIsland,Jeffery,Vendersail and Galt.OrJYatson opened the meeting with prayer* 407. 1H1UTE3 The Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed, corrected and approved* 4o3* REPORT OF The Property Committee1 s report recommending the following PROPERTY actions was adopted:- OCIETITEE 1* That the telephone formerly allowed to Dr*McClenahan he placed in Mr*Clelan&*s residence with the understanding that its continued rental is for official purposes, in order to afford communication with the considerable numb...