MINUTES CF THE COUNCIL—AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO—-March 31, 1923. 147. ORGANIZATION The Council of the American University at Cairo met on March 31, 1923 with the following members present; Dr, C. R. Watson, Dr. R. S. McClenahan, and Professors Cleland, Jeffery and Galt. Mr. Galt led in prayer* 148. MINUTES The Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved. 149. TROWBRIDGE & For the infoimation of the Council, the President re-' Mcq,UISTON ported that he had received a letter indicating that Mr* Trowbridge had improved in health to such an extent that his return to Egypt was now considered a possibility, but nothing definite was known about this. The President also reported that Mr. McQuiston would return from furlough to E...