MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO* OCT. 18, 19&4. 434* ORGANIZATION. The Council of the American University at Cairo met on Oct. 18, 1924, with Dr .Watson presiding* The following members were present;-Professors Cleland,McQuiston,Jeffery and Galt* Br.Watson led in prayer* 1435* MINUTES. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved* 436 .PROPERTY & A Joint report of the Property and the Finance Committees FINANCE under date of October 18th, 1924,concerning the assignments COMMITTEES of duties of various individuals, the assignments of servants and their wages for the current school year,was presented, approved and filed* 437* BURSAR1 S The Bursar presented a trial balance from July 1 to October 10, REPORT , 192...