Wednesday 1J : 00 a. m. Present: MINUTES THE AMERICAN UNIVERSlTY II, CAIRO BOARD OF. TRUSTEES ~EETING NEW :VORK. MAY ] 983 ACADEMIC ~ RESEARCH cor·j r·~]nEE May 25, ]983 AUC NY Off i ce Mr. Brown3 Dr. Pedersen, Mr. Reed, Mrs. Sage, Dr. Simpson, Dr. Winder Mrs. Bartlett, Ms. Blakemore The Agenda was approved. The minutes of the last meeting were approved, and the Committee asked that it be noted that they would appreciate receiving each meeting's minutes in advance of the following meeting of the Committee. Faculty Recruiting We are taking two steps with regard to recruiting Engineering faculty. First~ we are requesting Board approval of a one-year contract with Oklahoma State University wherein AUC would reimburSE OSU for thE academic year ...