Board or Trustees -2- November-13, 1986 Dr. Pedersen gave a brief report to the Board highlighting the major dcvelopmcnts at the University. lIis full report is presented in his November 1986 letter to the Board (Attachment A). Reporting 011 the new cabinet recently installed by President Mubarak, Dr. Pedersen said that it was hoped that the changes will result in better cooperation between the Egyptian Government and the Till f'rlll1t:-i.olllll MClllctnry Fund wj thout triggcr :!.IIF, )loli ticnl problems within Egypt. Egypt is suffering from heavy debt burdens, a flat economic environment, and little growth in real income. On AUC's hudget situation, the Presidcnt reported thot the budgets are geLling lightcr, with the 1985/86 budget showi...