• February 22, 1984 Oriental Hall ~inute s MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO Wednesday 10:30 AM Attending: Mr. Bacon, Mr. Baird, Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Brown, Mr. Crary, Mr. Devine, Mr. Eilts, Mr. Goelet, Mr. Hedlund (Chairman), Mr. Hyde, Dr. Lamont, Mr. Khalil, Mr. Kruger, Mr. Morrow, Dr. Pedersen, Mr. Reed, Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Van Vleck, Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Winder Also Attending: Vice President Allam, Mr. Bates, Mrs. Bartlett, Ms. Ek, Dr. El Ezaby, Dr. Fawzy, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Linz, Dean Montassir, Ms. Morse, Dean Nelson, Mr. Schieren, Ms. Yost Mr. Hedlund acted as Chairman and Mr. Crary acted as Recording Secretary of the meeting. A moment of silence was held in memory of Malcolm Kerr and the Trustees asked that a re...