· .". MINUTES MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO (Edited: December 6, 1985) October 31, 1985 River Club Thursday 9:00 AM Attending: Mr. Aldrich, Mr. Bacon, Dr. Bartlett, Mr. Brown, Mr. Crary, Mr. Devine, Mr. Dutton, Mr. Harbert, Mrs. Harmon, Mr. Hedlund (Chairman), Dr. Lamont, Mr. Mac Donald, Mr. McCloy, Dr. Pedersen, Mrs. Sage, Dr. Simpson, Mr. Tamraz, Mrs. Thorne, Mrs. Van Vleck, Mr. Wadsworth, Dr. Winder. Also Attending: Mrs. Bartlett, Ms. Blakemore, Mrs. Desforges, Mrs. El-Hassani, Ms. Iskander, Mr. Linz, Dr. Pelowski, Ms. Ross, Mr. Snaith, Mrs. Yost Mr. Hedlund acted as Chairman and Mr. Crary acted as Recording Secretary of the meeting. 1. The agenda was adopted as presented. 2. The minutes of the previou...