I October 30, 1985 River Club Attending: MINUTES NOMINATING COMMITTEE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO (Edited: 1/07/86) Wednesday 4:00 PM Dr. Bartlett (Chairman), Mr. Devine, Mr. Hedlund, Dr. Lamont, Dr. Pedersen, Dr. Simpson, Mrs. Sage, Dr. Winder 1. The agenda was adopted as presented. 2. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. 3. New Trustees: The Committee was informed that Mr. Henry O. Boswell was elected to the Board. The Committee also agreed to present Mrs. Driscoll to the Board as a Trustee candidate. 4. Trustee Prospects: Several names were mentioned as possible new Trustees: Henry Lemieux, Ross Perot, Denman, Ray Bunker and former Senator Percy and Senator Hatfield. Mr. Hedlund is hoping to meet with Ros...